Thursday, July 10, 2014

What's on YOUR foundation?

Have you given much thought to the foundation of your home?  Let's take a minute and talk about why maybe you should....

Not everyone has a concrete foundation on their home and some homes have very little concrete exposed.  If you have one of those homes or perhaps one with a rock foundation, this post may not apply to you.

For those with concrete: read on.  When a concrete foundation is poured using forms, the cement is left with what I would call scabs or scars from the forms.  It doesn't have a nice smooth appearance.  I never once thought that there was more that needed to be done with those scars until we finished construction on our current home.  Our foundation had over 2 1/2 feet of exposed concrete with very unsightly scabs. What to do?

We learned that a thin layer of a plaster or cement mix can be applied to smooth out the appearance of the foundation. While the project of applying this doesn't look too technical, we decided to hire a professional to do ours.  We are glad we did, it was fairly inexpensive (under $500) and the pro had it done in a day.  Voila!  Good looking foundation achieved, and scars gone! This is our garage foundation today, and we had it covered a couple of years ago.

The older section of our home took the process one step further with a layer of paint on top.  That paint is many years old and starting to peel so of course I didn't take a picture of that mess.  Instead I took a picture of my friend's home with a classy new dark foundation that adds contrast to her white siding so you can visualize another option.  This is another great opportunity to customize your home with little $$.

So, maybe it's time to think about what's on your foundation.  Does it have some unsightly scabs or scars that need to be covered?  You would be surprised how many exposed concrete foundations are around.  It's not could just look a lot better.  So if you have been in your home over a year and you still have a naked foundation don't you think it's about time to cover up?

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